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“Dr. David Bowen is one of the most effective preachers of Bible prophecy on the scene today. His presentations are neatly organized and focused, and they are beautifully illustrated with PowerPoint slides. Most important, he delivers them with an infectious zeal for the Lord’s soon return. I highly recommend him to churches and conferences seeking a spiritual feast.”

Endorsed by Dr. David Reagan,
Founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries

"What I appreciate about Pastor Dave is his guts to begin asking the question: what should we as believers do about all these technical advancements?  ...Pastor Dave is taking strong leadership. I commend and appreciate his heart for those that need more instruction on Biblical Eschatology and End Times signs. Especially for pastors and leadership in our Churches today. Let’s reward men that stand up in this season with our attention, willingness to share, and like and subscribe."

Scott Townsend,
I Am A

(Of Finally the Book of Revelation Made Easy)
"I don’t think Pastor Dave realizes how important this book is. Everybody in the world needs to read this."

Rabbi Jack Zimmerman
Jewish Voice Ministries

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