Thursday, August 01, 2024
There has been some recent talk about Blackstone buying for 4.7 billion dollars. The concern with this news is that Blackstone now has access to millions of people's DNA. Let's discuss two issues here. First, this sale is not new; it happened in December 2020. So why is this coming up now? We'll talk about that in a minute.
Blackstone's Purchase
People may not realize the history of Blackstone Inc. An obvious question to ask is, does it have any connection to the World Economic Forum? If so, what kind of connection? Here's the real concern behind those two questions. Does this purchase of millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the 2030 agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes; stay with me and let me walk through this history and the connection.
Lawsuit Filed
As I said, this purchase of happened over three years ago, in December of 2020, but shortly after Blackstone's purchase, a lawsuit was filed in Illinois. The lawsuit claimed that Blackstone violated Section 30 of Illinois's 1998 Genetic Information Privacy Act, which provides that no person or company "may disclose or be compelled to disclose the identity of any person upon whom a genetic test is performed or the results of a genetic test in a manner that permits identification of the subject of the test."
Both plaintiffs in this lawsuit had purchased DNA testing products from Ancestry and submitted saliva samples for genetic testing. Because Ancestry had allegedly paired the plaintiffs' genetic tests with personally identifiable information, such as names, emails, and home addresses, they maintained that Blackstone's disclosure of their genetic identities violated Section 30 of the Genetic Information Privacy Act. Unfortunately, in May 2023, the court ruled in favor of Blackstone and dismissed the suit., founded in 1996, is a leader in the digital subscription business and has continued to grow significantly. To date, Ancestry has more than twenty-two million people in the AncestryDNA network and an extensive collection of over twenty billion records.
Blackstone, the entity which purchased, is involved in real estate, credit, infrastructure, hedge funds, and insurance. As of May 2024, Blackstone manages more than one trillion dollars in total assets, making it one of the largest investment firms globally.
Blackstone and Blackrock
Let's answer the question: Does Blackstone Inc. have any connection to the World Economic Forum? To find out, we have to look at its history. Blackstone and Blackrock are separate entities. However, in 1988, Blackrock originally started under the umbrella of Blackstone. Blackstone, which now owns, was co-founded by Peter Peterson and Steven Schwarzman.
Originally, the two were colleagues at Lehman Brothers. When they founded their own company, they decided on a name that blended their names. Schwarz is German for "black," and Peterson comes from the Greek for "stone." On the other hand, Blackrock was founded by Larry Fink, who used to be associated with Blackstone as Schwarzman and Fink worked together for five years, from 1988 to 1994. In 1994, when Fink decided to branch out on his own, he needed a new name for his asset management company, and Steve Schwarzman, the co-founder of Blackstone, suggested having a family name keeping the word "black" in it. Thus, Blackrock is birthed from Blackstone.
Today, both firms have a significant role in the financial AUM, or assets under management, industry. Blackstone manages over $368 billion in assets, and Blackrock, the largest asset manager globally, manages over $5.4 trillion. Both companies have a present and firm connection to the World Economic Forum.
The World Economic Forum
Blackrock's connection to the World Economic Forum comes from their CEO, Larry Fink, who sits on its Board of Trustees. At the 2022 annual meeting in Davos, Blackrock signed an agreement to promote gender lens investing. Gender lens means they will focus on investing in companies that specifically have a higher representation of women on their boards and in senior management positions. This agreement ties into the World Economic Forum's society and equality agenda.
The ESG agenda
The year after, in 2023, Fink spoke at the annual meeting in Davos, this time focusing on the World Economic Forum's ESG agenda. ESG stands for Environment, Social, and Government, which is the beginning of a social credit score. When the Central Bank Digital Currency system (CBDC) is implemented, one's social credit score will eventually dictate how much funds you can access and how you may spend those funds. Your social credit score will revolve around how much you follow the guidelines put in place by the powers that be. You will be "scored" on how you live. For example, do you drive a car, or have you decided to forgo an automobile for riding a bike or using public transportation? Do you eat meat, or have you decided to forgo meat and have embraced having a diet of plant-based foods? It will all come down to how well you jump through the hoops.
Getting back to Blackstone's purchase of, does this purchase of millions of digital records of people's DNA have the ability to be connected to the agenda of the World Economic Forum? The answer is yes. Blackstone CEO Steven Schwarzman is a member of the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum and now owns As a board member, he is critical in fulfilling the World Economic Forum's global agenda.
Agenda 2030
Through its partnership with the World Bank, the United Nations, and businesses like Blackstone and Blackrock, the World Economic Forum now has access to billions of DNA records. This means it has the means to control the world's finances, credit scores, housing, food production, healthcare, gender equality, and education—all to fulfill its 17 areas of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Once again, another piece of the puzzle has been put in place as the world heads towards establishing a future one-world antichrist system.
Founder of Interpreting the Times
My heart and my passion are for Bible prophecy and end times. Why? Because of the hour we live in but also because I have found there is a great need for solid Biblical teaching on this topic.
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